A CrossPost by Agent 131711,
top-notch, insider revelations on the scams being sold "for our health"
i cannot even begin to encapsulate what i learn from reading Agent’s stack; and lucky for us all, each post links to an entire (dark) history uncovered and revealed by Agent’s stopless research and writing. Shortly after i posted on the worldwide vitamin scam, where big pharma has bought out our supplement companies, Agent came up with millions of details i’d bet few, if any of us knew. (You can follow Agent’s links in every post to find that)
So, while i work on two articles that are proving harder to complete than one would hope, due to the dastardly nature of learning (and confirming) the whole truth, i offer you this treasure chest of knowledge - the mere tip of the iceberg compiled by this brilliant, tireless soul:
Thanks Yolanda for the intell. Personally, I ingest vitamin supplements on a regular basis Having been informed of the necessity to make 100% sure the source of the supplements is producing its product(s) totally free of the contaminants mentioned by the investigators. I only order from "trusted" sources. Also, I make sure I ingest less than the recommended dosage as I cook my food with an eye to its vitamin content. So far so good as is said. As a testimony I can say: through diet and supplementation, I have been able to mitigate a chronic prostate for the last 4+ years. It is doing the research making use of what our dear sister Yolanda presents and then" getting busy" improving our physical and mental bodies. Thanks again, Yolanda. Love to you sister and hope to see you soon at a Sweat.
Hay wannaih.
This just came across my radar..