Radiation is not a nutrient. It is a neuro-toxin, which means it poisons the brain and nerves.
Radiation Poisoning.
We all have it to various degrees.
As neurotoxins accumulate, we develop more of those mysterious symptoms that everyone is suffering from now.
We are now wrapped and blanketed in grids of radiation far above what human physiology can withstand…and the rollout has barely begun.
There comes a fine fine line where, if i do not tell someone a truck is coming as i watch them standing obliviously in the road, i’d be guilty of an unconscionable action that only a sociopath would enjoy.
It has long been my personal feeling that we are speeding headlong into a truck that is totally out of control.
Up until now, i’ve somehow been able to be relatively silent and discreet, because of course i don’t want anyone to have more worry or fear than they already do. Plus, i like to study and research subjects for a long looooong time, and be really really sure i’ve done due diligence.
But here comes the truck folks, and i fear your eyes and ears could be offline. We are going too fast and heading totally the wrong way.
Meanwhile our tech and the cyber prison-grid that powers it is causing cancer, brain damage, insomnia, autoimmunity, and countless other unnecessary tortures.
…for which people are given more and more drugs…
Politics and advertising dollars fuel world domination of a capitalist market where there is no ceiling on wealth for the 1%; but there’s also no ceiling to the force of violence and mass destruction wielded by this self-same 1% upon the remainder of us.
breaking news…Big Pharma does not have any interest in your health. Nor does Big Tech. Their stockholders prey on your continued need for more and more prescription pills and aggressive procedures and services. The AMA write the black box labels by watching what symptoms people report, and how many die…while advertising and sales continue uninterrupted, thanks to financial backing and coercion by certain key players who own the wealth, and who trumpet their names everywhere as great humanitarians. The government and Big Tech hid 50+ years of research they did not want us to see in classified documents. I’ll be too honest here again. We are running out of time. The 6th great extinction is no joke. Nor is the military force now shattering our peace…or extremely high radiation microwave fields destroying our bodies and brains.
We are now wrapped and blanketed in grids of radiation far above what human physiology can withstand…and the rollout has barely begun.
There are solutions* to strengthen us, though i cannot promise it will ever be comfortable. Living things were not created to be nuked, and the question remains:
Can we quantum evolve in time to overcome the threat???
In reality the mounting tension and oxidation in our bodies is exacerbated by the burgeoning electromagnetic grid. 5G depletes immunity and damages all organ systems of the body - human, animal, and plant.
There is plenty of research - and there has been plenty since radio frequencies hit the planet almost 100 years ago. But it’s been buried and all but erased by the telecommunications and military industries, and the google internet trolls.
Holistic healing is a fragmented notion now, as we’ve all been forced out of business or into “telehealth”. Humanity, holism, and true connection have been lost.
Our miraculous healing field is a mere shadow of its former vibrant self - its depth, potential, and top speakers erased from the internet for good. It’s become impossible to find anything of value about vitamins, minerals, and preventive medicine online. Or medically-oriented bodywork like what i do. We’ve all been censored! Even Dr Joe Dispenza!
Meanwhile, radiation is spreading everywhere, disintegrating our cell membranes, damaging metabolism, and rampantly destroying our immunity and ability to heal, and soon, to survive at all.
Airborne poisonous gases and geo-engineering nano particles - pesticides, birth control, and chemical sludge in our water table pouring over agriculture land - all cause severe oxidative stress to the cells and damage the nervous systems of living things.
These technologies are so pervasive we don’t realize how exposed we are. Radiation is not a nutrient. It is a neuro-toxin: it poisons the brain and nervous system.
When we stream videos or go through airport security; or into an office complex, or big box store, or grocery store, or mall, we get drowned in microwave radiation frequencies that were used mainly as military weapons prior to now…and these same devastating frequencies are being widely tested and used for military and political crowd control.
Radiation is a neuro-toxin, which means it poisons the brain and nerves.
As neurotoxins accumulate, we develop more of those mysterious symptoms that everyone is suffering from now.
Research in the 70’s revealed that our physiology can bear a maximum of 2.6 gigahertz (GHz) before cell mutation results from the oxidative stress. At 2 gigahertz our cells start to break down. The grid forming “the internet of everything” is set in the 25-70 gigahertz range. One gigahertz is a million hertz; 5-8 gigahertz burns holes in flesh. Cell membranes start to melt at 2- 2.6 GHz. The navigational system of migrating animals, insects, and birds is fried and disabled; bees can’t find their way home, and die walking circles on the driveway pavement. Species are becoming extinct now because their brain currents are so disabled they either fly into danger or can’t find their ways home.
“How come they didn’t tell us?” you may ask. It’s a five letter word: m-o-n-e-y.
Radiation Poisoning - Symptoms, Sources, and Basic Remediation:
Microwave Weapons (14 minutes of history from a bio-weapons expert):
In 2019 i was chronically dysregulated and in massive head and joint pain, and it hurt so much to try to think or focus that i’m sure my brain was melting - and i’m in the field of regeneration and brain health for gods sakes!
Then i found a life-saving technology that upgrades brain function by transmuting our living/working space, and now i have their Miracle i-qube and Tesla Supreme. The portable OmPocket unit kept me sane in the grocery store in 2020, and i always carry it with me when i leave the house. Visit quantumsoundtherapy.com/quietmind and feel free to ask me more about my experience and training as well.
Stop the Crime-EMF/EMP (detailed article): https://stopthecrime.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/domestic-use-of-directed-energy-weapons-for-political-control.pdf
Frequency research on bees/birds/life: https://earthheroestv.com/programs/resonance-beings-of-frequencymp4-60c942
May this be timely and helpful for you, and if you are highly sensitive, may you feel supported in knowing that there are solutions, and you are not alone.
Everything you say here is true! 👌🏽
only the beginning. Every rabbit hole is deep...