We, the human species, “have a lot of gentling to do”.
(?could that be my muse burping back up from depths of somewhere afar?)
“a lot of gentling to do”?
i never heard it put quite that way before; my attention stays keenly tuned to this voice.
In my dictionary-thesaurus, i claim gentle is a verb,
that signifies continually flowing kindness, caring, and devotion channeled into life. Gentling is something the pure of heart naturally exude.
Gentling is something we all need, going forward and backward forever in time.
…then she added: “a lot of interspecies gentling to do”; so let’s decode this idea.
to GENTLE: to treat kindly, even reverentially, with precious regard.
Imagine for a moment being gentled in the daily flow of life; and gentling others yourself as a regular form of exchange. Would this not begin to polish the scars and bruises of angry eons past? Might this not purge brokenness from the ancestral seed?
Gentling is a deeply spiritual thing. It cannot be done without the heartfelt intention to heal and make whole.
INTENTION is (nothing less than) a pulsating forcefield in the mystic realm of matter, space, and time, finely chiseling the divine script.
Gentling is a high art of the evolving soul;
and a skill i believe can neutralize the trauma of aggressive energies and devolving cultural ideals. Gentling may well be the cure for technocracy’s cruel slash, and the nails in the tires of the totalitarian plan.
At the very least, gentling is a very human, limbic, mammalian, dare i say warm-and-fuzzy thing to do. Many species bond in families and communities, just like us.
Could not all holocausted species use some gentling to get this crystal ball back into orbit on the right path?
Meanwhile, language must be restored to an elegant and exalted expression of Truth.
i will do that.
Words pull divine breath into earthly form.
May we think before we speak, wisely and gently crafting images and feelings from our consciousness into beautiful words.
let's go gentling my dear
For me the "gentling" occurs when I shift awareness to being here/now in the moment.
That's when I feel the Love Harmonic connection and ride with it . All I can do is give thanks for the continued opportunities that therein arise. Love to all during this blessed Season