Happy Divali - or Deepawali, depending where in India you’re from.
“Deep” connotes “Light”, and Deepawali - Divali - is India’s Festival of Lights.
Divali signifies the triumph of light over dark - good over evil - and each tradition has their own history and way of expressing that.
But one thing is certain -
India is ever overflowing with color and light. Especially right NOW!
One must admit that if nothing else, the soul is illuminated when flooded with light; and the heart, exalted by beautiful sights.
The outstanding images in this article came from a right column on Wikipedia’s Diwali (yes, a third spelling) page.
Keep your eye on the Light…
Happy Deepawali!
Beautiful ❤️ Happy Divali 😀
and my birthday! whole lotta light is mighty alright! happy deepavwali to you too!