Here you get my take - how i’m pulling all this together so i can know what we’re working with; and i humbly confess:
i’m still and always digesting it all, and the swirl around me now is great and wide -
but that doesn’t prevent me from wanting to share this tiny blip with you today.
i imagine that writing this series will teach (is teaching?) me how universes begin and end, and i wonder woefully if all history comes to such a fragile and final point…when in the race for power and domination, humankind destroys itself, over and over again…???
i have to keep re-reading from the first 250 pages of Elana Freeland’s book Geoengineered Transhumanism because the language of astrophysics, molecular interactions, and geothermal engineering is way bigger than my head; and the blast of reality way too harsh for my tender heart;
but i’m swallowing big bites nonetheless…
(Disclaimer: i have my own way of explaining the complexity of things, that includes the poetry of the heart.)
Being a health researcher, i begin today with my simpleton’s summary of increasing concerns, based on my own struggles to integrate what i’ve recently learned.
Wait, concern is too mild. Let’s just say my grave horror.
In the aftermath of that DEW floating by me on a brownish-gray plasma stream some weeks back - that yellow candle in mid air - and the fire that exploded right away here in the canyon; and then a few days later, another sudden fire at a highway intersection an hour west,
and recognizing that two major air force bases widely flank this land,
and being broken hearted daily for a sky filled with white stripes and brown clouds long before dawn can even blink,
so that the Sun can’t find us, and we can’t find the Sun…
i’m contemplating this whole notion of the densified plasma field that now permeates our environment and atmosphere - fueled by dangerously high military microwave frequencies tuned to shake earth’s plates and ignite flames;
and which contains and distributes self-replicating micro-particles as it rides the winds -
and recalling video footage i saw of how living beings simply ignite from within when targeted with DEW’s, and it still turns my stomach how the man imploded into flames and blew up!
Wind currents are predictable and can be manipulated easily with military technology that is almost a century old…
Elana Freeland goes into immense depth as to how every layer of our atmosphere has been weaponized and overpowered - for “full spectrum domination”.
These are the military’s own words, plans, and deeds…
i looked up the layers of the atmosphere, since i couldn’t name them:
Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Ionosphere, and Exosphere
According to NASA,
“The ionosphere is a critical link in the chain of Sun-Earth interactions. This region is what makes radio communications possible.”
then, later in a link i was following, Wikipedia adds:
“The Thermosphere thus constitutes the larger part of the ionosphere …thermospheric temperatures increase with altitude due to absorption of highly energy solar radiation…and can rise to… 3,630 degrees Farenheit.”
Remember, ionosphere is where radio wave transmission becomes possible.
The ionosphere is being manipulated with frequencies to ideally replicate the protoplasmic beginnings of life on earth - and the proliferation of synthetic primitive life such as Morgellones.
All becomes possible by the linking of high power nuclear reactors across the planet and in space. Temperatures can approach that of the Sun.
In 2020 Elon Musk got clearance to launch a million satellites.
The satellites in space connect to and link up all of those dual-use (detonating) weapons of war.
OK, let’s take a breath.
Switching gears now, into Elana Freeland’s book, to connect more dots for the health and sanity of our inquiring minds »>
The concepts and quotes below (from Elana’s book, pgs 175-200) demonstrate the rapidfire escalation of grid technology and its blatant intention to harm.
“Overcoming bandwidth shortage is and was always a lie. From the beginning it was about dual use weaponing of civilian technology.”
“Gigahertz and terahertz (short wave) frequencies penetrate and modulate the brain.”
“The technology is in place for reading the spectral signature of gases…all humans emit gases/plasma…reading spectral gases enables population control…and it’s all integrated into a cellphone.”
“Like the much larger HAARP Alaska phased array antennas, tiny phased array antennas built into cellphones since 4G enables shaping radiation into beams and steering them to track our movements and multiply effective radiative power (ERP).”
“You only need a 10 watt transmitter for a strong cellular node - so why are we using 20,000 to 60,000 watts fed by 400 kilowatt transformers?”
“If 2000 volts are for mass mood and mind control, the rest may go toward weather engineering…under the mandate of full spectrum Space Fence lockdown, all the way down to DNA.”
“The steering capability (of phased-array antennas angled to face all directions) enables duplexing - resending a signal the opposite direction to create a covert weapon. Upgraded duplexing can manipulate the human energy field via smart dust sensors, conductive metals, and inhaleable pathogens.”
“Duplexing enables open use of stealth weapons firing millions of tiny microwave bullets per second…”
These beams go right through our bodies, and we are now living in an interference field of phased array beams colliding on, in, and around us.
“Beamforming and MIMO duplexing facilitate the nano-tech nano-bio constructs in living beings. They are precision weapons” that the Pentagon somehow considers essential to national security.
Go figga.
“5G is structured to parallel nature’s dynamic morphogenetic field, which means it can be used to engineer transhumanism by focusing millimeter wave beams, along with polarized light and phased laser quality alignment…with 5G/IoT, there will be no escape unless one is completely free of transmission technologies.”
What becomes glaringly transparent as my readings progress is this:
we are long past the actual “5G” technology and well into the widespread use of higher frequencies with the explosive force of atomic bombs. Much of it is stored in our weaponized ionosphere as potential energy, which the right frequencies can and do ignite.
And much potential energy is gathered and stored in our waters as well - dams, lakes, rivers, and lining the bottom of the sea.
Freeland states that Kautz-Vella opened a google map with an “antenna garden” on the ocean floor off the California coast (and said) “This is how the California wildfires were made to happen…these are phased arrays with beaming and targeting power…”
Nuff said for today!
Please share this material far and wide. Let’s bring the bigger picture out, into the open and into the light.
VID for you: a bitchute talk with author-researcher Elana Freeland:
Geoengineered Transhumanism
dear yolanda, i love your 'take'. even with the worst of news i can feel your quest for harmony in our minds (insert screaming emo here) and our amazing 'earth suits' (gratitude hands). always sending love and healin' feelin's with or without our very limited emojins.
Think shungitre- corellian shungite. A medillian woren creates a field around you that directs the EMF frequency pulses to be absorbed by the shungite. If you do a dive into the info out on it, you'll find that it does "absorb" /"mitigate" EMF radiation. Thought I'd pass this info on.