Plantago Major, Minor, and Lanceolota (and 197 other species?)
Yes, here she is again - Plantain. Not the bananas.
The PLANTAGO family: P. Major, P. Minor, and P. Lanceolota, is my number one first aide.
Bleeding cut? Bug bites, snake bites, and even venomous stings? Tooth and gum infections? Impacted splinters?
Yes, she can help.
Feast your eyes on these photos so you know who she is, in her many moods. Here’s one from the above link:
(Plantago Minor)
Bleeding cuts? Bug bites , snake bites, and even venomous stings? Tooth and gum infections? Impacted splinters? Yes, she knows what to do about all of this. ALL OF IT.
Survivors have reported that Plantain even saved them after being bitten by rattlesnakes.
(cognitive detour…)
This sure makes me wonder how Plantain might fit the protocol for detoxing snake venoms from the…you know what.. and the venoms accumulating in people’s bodies from their pharmaceutical drugs. Dr Ardis has been showing us how snake and snail venoms are used as base carriers for almost all pharmaceutical drugs; and how as they accumulate, they begin to paralyze the central nervous system - which includes the respiratory system (!) - manifesting in exactly the inability to breathe that caused millions to be put on ventilators...and killed…
Dr Ardis first revealed this research to the public in his film Watch The Water; and he continues to wow us with interviews like this one.
(here ends today’s cognitive detour; now back to Plantain, today’s real superstar.)
(Plantago Major, from same link)
As for me, i’m a splinter magnet - and i used to dig them out with needles - which didn’t always work. After soaking or poulticing with Plantain tincture, splinters pop right out! Even deeply impacted splinters can be easily coaxed out.
Then, i have a friend who depends on my Plantain tincture to keep her gums infection-free. i later learned Plantain is (or was, when i read it) the most widely used remedy in Cuba for tooth and gum infection.
Allegedly there are over 200 species of Plantain, and the three we commonly find everywhere are P. Major, P. Minor, and P. Lanceolota.
We teach children to pick and chew on the leaves to make a poultice for bee stings and bug bites. i once had the opportunity on the trail when a panicking man approached me with a bee sting; and even though the Plantain had all died back for the season, i searched the trail; lo and behold, four sorry looking leaves began to glow before my eyes, and i had the poor guy chew them up and hook them under his stretch pants leg. He said it felt better right away…and i had no regrets for leaving my tincture in the car that day.
- Did you know that our saliva breaks down the plant cells and extracts the medicine as well as alcohol does? Your fresh plant poultice that you chewed up yourself are as good at disinfecting and drawing out infection as having a tincture made with alcohol.
Remember this, lest you ever need to help yourself or someone else.
You can always order the tincture directly from me. In fact, i keep small bottles on me all the time, and quart jars on the shelf.
PLANTAIN. If you read my stack, you’ve seen her before here:
and here:
and she even helped me avoid infection from a ruptured eardrum:
PLANTAIN. No mere weed, my friends. What’s not to love?
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amazing insight as usual from Yolanda
I had no idea that plantain was so amazing!