Parasites can cause any of a long list of problems that we commonly suffer with, even cancer and brain disease; yet most people would never think to consider this as a root cause of their ills. i sure didn’t. But in spite of a decent diet and regular detoxification and colon hydrotherapy, i had gut pain for years - going as far back as i could recall.
Then in 2022, i got to try a plant i’d heard about ten years earlier in herbal medicine training - Mimosa Pudica - and there was no turning back after the first dose. Mimosa Pudica is anthelmintic - it kills parasites and worms. i never expected such a strong reaction. In fact, i didn’t expect anything at all - meanwhile, my body cleansed, and cleansed, and cleansed…for a full for eighteen months. It was thoroughly exhausting on all levels, and my organs felt battered to the core and limp.
Along the way, i learned that binders such as Bioactive Carbon-60 and Humic and Fulvic Acids ( i took capsules) greatly diminished the gas pains in my solar plexus and abdomen caused by the die-off.
When you’re chasing down parasites, you realize just how resourceful they are; that they are everywhere; and their eggs can be indestructible and impacted within us for years. Parasites know how to hide.
Well, yes and no.
There’s a surefire way to reduce ingesting them in one easy step:
1/2 C baking soda
1/2 C hydrogen peroxide
1 gallon water
Soak all vegetables, fruits, and nuts in this mixture, rinse with clear water, and drain or drip dry. Try not to gag when you see the water thick with particles (bugs) and filmy goo.
The WORST are vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower - all those minute clusters of flowers are parasite nests and nurseries. And cashews, for some reason. i no longer buy these foods, because even after doing the wash as suggested above four times(!) , there were still bugs pouring out and pooling in the water. No pun, but i just can’t stomach that.
This VEGGIE WASH FOR PARASITES shortcut could make a world of difference for you quickly, and possibly improve your health in countless unexpected ways. i would definitely suggest doing a parasite cleanse also (links and ideas below), and advise that you take it slow. My body could not tolerate all the products in the kit all at once; and clearly my body didn’t need them all to get the results.
But if you only do this wash, you’ll still be way ahead.
Give this veggie wash for parasites a try; and remember:
*if you invest in a parasite cleansing kit, it should contain an herbal combination to kill them and their eggs, and binders to collect and flush them out.
*this is a lifelong project, not a one-time deal; parasites are part of our environment, perhaps even more now than ever before due to heavy chemical contamination and the omnipresence of 5G.
(for instance, did you know 5G increases mold proliferation 600X?)
For me, Mimosa Pudica capsules, Carbon 60, and Humic and Fulvic acid were plenty of action - my body could not have handled any more pressure or cleansed any faster than it did. Last year i added Shilajit, a Himalayan “tar” rich in Humic and Fulvic; which allows me to depend less on manufactured capsules and more on rich Himalayan mountain soil.
i also have a secret ace in the hole i never told you about - my colon therapist. She saved me. But that’s a story for another day…
an intro to parasites:
getting rid of parasites:
a look at parasites:
the many benefits of humic & fulvic acids, and shilajit:
Be carefully with c60. Celeste s. says stay away. Others to. Binds with graphene, can get everywhere due size of molecules. I disposed of mine. $ gone. Oh well. Rest sounds good. I like chlorine dioxide in water periodically to chase parasites.I’m not a Dr. -Research of course. Just lots of critical thinking and masters of common sense with 67 year learning curve.
Thanks as always…
Not to be depressing but:
The first 1/2 blew my outlook to negative as so many are clueless. I’m camping in Florida Alabama ect. And truly people are far far from a modicum of understanding the truth and impact.
Lots of loving people, for sure. Met a 4 jabbed guy. We talked, and he said “my muscles are tensed from the jab gotta sit”.
Felt empathy.
Kinda Empty from that 1:43.
Highly respect Delgado.
Be good.