when your solution is obvious and direct, and it’s totally up to you…
(brain image, Jesse Orrico on
In 2022 new client Tirzha came for brain therapy with me, complaining of horrible tinnitus, frequent headaches, and ongoing tension in her neck, shoulder, and arms. In our first conversation, i suspected radiation poisoning, and with a few simple questions, had my suspicions confirmed. She sat in a noisy, high radiation field all day wearing headsets, or on her cellphone struggling to hear; and her pain was worse on that listening side.
People who are suffering are inevitably anxious as well, and Tirzha fit that bill.
When our sympathetic nervous system is amped up from pain or fear, physiological anxiety rears up; the body’s revved up to escape, so it feels impossible to sit still or quiet down.
Tirzha got great relief by doing her days off much more unplugged; and she better tolerated her work.
Ultimately, she decided within two or three appointments that she could not make the life changes suggested in order to heal.
i was able to help with all her complaints using manual brain therapies - then she returned to the same toxic life that was clearly wrecking her health.
i never heard from her again.
Tirzha, in a sense, is every woman alive today, and every man too. These are truly vital decisions each of us must now consciously make.
The lesson for us in Tirzha’s tale is to seriously consider our own lifestyles and choices, now that we know better.
My left ear drum was blown out twice by frequencies -
in October 2018 and then May 2020. Half deafened and with severe ear and head pain for months each time, i treated each episode myself, and eventually my left ear healed and i could once again hear. i still have sensitive ears; and til recently, my hearing was keen as a guard dog.
Now i’m half deaf again, courtesy of a recent string of attacks/or random rounds of military research?
This third rupture was markedly different than the other two events,
and here’s how: it was more gradual, building to crescendo over 3 weeks time.
i was awakened a few nights in early December by a loud shrill whistle being blown directly into my left ear, a piercing screech that got louder and louder and seemed to never stop. It seized and rattled my jaw bones too, the longer it went on.
(#1 & #2 above, at mega-high volume directly into left ear)
(My muse told me to look up dog whistles for this article and up came the two links above and below right away; when i really listen, she’s right every time! Just sayin’…)
At some point on each of these nights, i found myself desperately trying to tone these piercing pitches, in an effort to block and deflect the noise out of my head. i managed to endure/or quell the sound; and with each attack my left ear would increasingly close up. The shrill high pitched whistle-blowing-in-my-ear sound continues consistently now, at a low level i hear inside and behind my deaf left ear and feel like inner ear pressure, swelling behind the ear, and all my head bones rattling and vibrating inside.
(then below, it was #7 & #8 full force in left ear)
It is very disorienting to be suddenly deaf.
The ringing in my left ear has not stopped, and some moments pierces like a sharp needle straight into the ear canal. i share this story to point out the dire situation we are now in. It can be any one of us - and it IS several of our own esteemed writers who you and i read.
When these things happen to people, they don’t discuss it - they (we) gracefully carry on…
i still flinch seeing everybody’s cellphone-bulge in their fitted clothes; and i’ve watched people give themself tinnitus by wearing ear buds, head sets, headphones, and blasting bluetooth microwave frequencies directly into their brains; and by claiming they are unable to pull away and unplug…the saddest are those who drove endless highway hours for their work and life, connected to bluetooth through ear buds in their little rolling metal boxes, injecting amplified radiation directly into their brains, then one day a big tumor, Voila! But at least that’s self-induced. Targeting is a totally different ball-o-wax…
As i’ve written before,
“Targeting is a military strategy for directing a strike - presumably against the enemy.
Targeting serves as both political punishment (eg: spies), and as covert military experimentation;
and encompasses personal and professional harassment, tech scrambling and communication interference, and outright biological assaults with chemicals and directed energies/laser beams.”
We are all part of their military research.
Whether they are targeting an individual, an area, or a group of people - like doctors or holistic healers or the elderly - the goal is covert warfare with the mission to destroy. Sorry to have to be so “point-blank”, but it’s not just me in my little world any more.
When my massage therapist Elkie who never talks about herself at all confided she’s being attacked with frequencies all through the night, feels beat up in the morning, and is chronically exhausted as a result, it seemed time to write about this again - it’s in absolutely everybody’s back yard now.
(tired photo Kinga Howard on
Elkie even thinks the years of tinnitus that drives her mad could be caused and chronically worsened by radiation and electrosmog pounding her office building downtown. Then she threatens to run away but i don’t believe her…
Needless to say, i find it a huge relief worth a big deep sigh when anyone dares to break down and tell their personal truth. We are the history pages of the future, so let’s be as open and honest as we can, and expand our tolerance for difficult truths. Clearly, we are here now to face hard truth together, as there is no easy way out and no other way through. More than ever, we must listen to ourselves and each other with all our hearts.
i took a vow of silence over the holidays to listen to myself, and to listen for the song of truth within me. i want to be the best listener i can be. Then, i want to hear again, and find the way to NOT let them hurt and steal my senses any more - or yours - in this neuro-degenerative war. Our human nervous system in the holy highway home to god, whoever that is for you.
Globalists know this. But so do We The People. Grab your light shield and let’s set divinity aflame with resounding Love. Love, Big Love that rings out louder than the screech of technology blasted in our ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and skin. But i have a question for you frequency-healing folk, preferably the geeky ones: WHY does this 3333hz pierce my ears just like the dog whistles? This can’t possibly be good for us???
Now, into the woods with me, before the storm starts up again…
See you all soon…
Non-stop tinnitus for 5+ years now, arising, I believe, from an exceedingly stressful years-long stretch of 24/7 medical caregiving for my mom. But then, a spinal injury on top of that 5.5 years ago has me in such debilitating pain every day that I don't notice the tinnitus all that much.
Have had my tinnitus ever since a TBI 1996, first I FOCUSED on it, allowing the noise to confound, confuse and control me. Then, I focused on activities of helping others, exercising to exhaustion, doing my best to engage with others, and I I could not understand what they were saying due to my inner noise, just smile. I keep ghe radio on all the time in my kitchen, first it was top 40, until I learned my agitation, and TBI induced ADHD was exacerbated by the ' music' which is now playing at a different frequency than classical and American Songbook music.
Switching to classical and American Songbook/big band soothe the soul.
A cell tower has been installed 1500 feet from my un mortgaged home so I ain't moving.
My dog and I wear little EMF tags, which I thought were B. S. but do something....
Stand firm in the belief NO ONE is out to get you...
The electricity in the environment is indiscriminate and attacks the unhealthy.
Sure it may take me down one day...
But I refuse to admit defeat...
Through diet, exercise nutrition,self care...
And wonderful persons as this Poster, and Roman for starters...
First and foremost, REFUSE to allow the tinnitus to annoy you, control you...
Your sanity is your safety net.