Depletion, Replenishment, and Body Ecosystems with Caroline Alan
People are starting to hear about detoxification and binders, and asking lots of questions, which is a very good sign.
Binders are essential in a world swarming with environmental toxicity.
Like many of you, i’ve been longing to better comprehend binders, and the details landed splat on our laps this week!
This webinar is living proof that the universe delivers, right on time.
Binders are best known for removing heavy metals; but did you know they decrease glyphosate load as well?
Binders draw toxins out of the body tissue and dump them into the bloodstream for removal through our natural elimination channels: sweat, urine, and feces.
But how?
In this interview with Jeffrey Smith, Caroline Alan of BEAM Minerals demystifies the complex relationships between detoxification, mineralization, and the resolution of chronic health problems. She claims that first we have to stop treating our bodies like cars by just swallowing handfuls of pills, like we would fill the tank in our car when gas is low.
“Our bodies don’t work like cars. The replenishment system in your body is miraculous! You are an ecosystem with certain microbiomes, like your mouth, your gut, your eyes…
You are cells and microbiomes forming ecosystems. We are each ecosystems of cellular systems!”
Caroline Alan is known as “The Mineral Geek” on account of her dedication to “mineral myth-busting” and explosive paradigm shifts resulting from her tireless research into Humic and Fulvic Acids.
Having resolved massive health damage in her own body, Caroline is the perfect spokeswoman on mineral depletion, replenishment, and why plant-based minerals are the most advantageous choice for us.
Caroline advocates for a complete paradigm shift in how we think of minerals and our bodies. Rather than distill the richness of what she says, i share here today her words alongside my own.
Our bodies make amino acids, but we have to ingest minerals from the outside to produce energy.
It’s a losing battle the way most people do it, with bottle after bottle of some alleged prescribed recommended dose.
Minerals are used inside our cells by the mitochondria, the little energy generators that power every physiological activity in the body.
Minerals from the outside have to be absorbed by the bloodstream and assimilated into the cells. Our haphazard method of pill-popping megadoses of specific nutrients takes no account of our bodies’ complex biochemical reactions, thus hardly any of “the rocks, shells, and bones” as Caroline calls them ever break down in our gut. Mineral supplements can’t really be absorbed by our cells…only 10-12% of rocks, shells, and bones ever get broken down to become available; 7-10% of that gets absorbed into the blood; and 5-7% of that amount actually gets into the cells.”
We need to ingest full spectrum minerals, in a bioavailable form, which Humic and Fulvic acids supply.
Humic and Fulvic come from the decomposition of deepwater plants. Ancient and prehistoric rainforests died and decomposed over a very long time to turn into Humic (humate deposits deep below earth’s surface), from which Fulvic is extracted. Shilajit is the Himalayan version of this magical mineral transport system; while black soil is the Amazonian form. See Shilajit below»>
Humic and Fulvic Acids evolved alongside cellular systems to support the uptake of nutrients, minerals, and amino acids into the cells.
They’ve been around for millions of years, so our bodies recognize them as beneficial, and thus allow them to cross cell membranes into our cells.
We absorb Humic and Fulvic Acids very easily into our cells.
“Do you know why we separate them?” Caroline asks, then without a pause adds “This is truly a natural technology!”
Fulvic molecules are much smaller than cells, and contain 70+ minerals; a full-spectrum, strong electrolyte molecule - a flavanoid - an intercellular transporter.
Fulvic enters our cells seamlessly because our bodies recognize this ancient molecule as beneficial. Due to its small size, “any channel that opens in a cell wall, it gets a free pass through”. Cell membranes opens to let it in.
Once Fulvic carries its nutrient load of aminos and other elements into the cell, it changes its polarity and dumps the goods - in bioavailable form.
It’s the only known molecule that can do that!
Then, Fulvic reverses its polarity yet again, and like a magnet sucks up heavy metals, glyphosate, and other poisons, and departs for the circulatory system to empty the trash.
So…Fulvic “travels around inside your cells, the Fulvic molecule gathers biowaste, heavy metals, free radicals, viral detritus, and glyphosate…and now when the channel opens in the cells, it shuttles those out into your bloodstream…changes polarity again…and those things drop off.
Modern human bodies are 40% minerals - so just imagine an automatic delivery system of fresh fuel directly into your cells - an overall boost to all “biosynthesis processes”, to have our physiology, mitochondria, and cellular vitality adjusted way up.
“Minerals work in balanced pairs, triumvirates, and quads”, Caroline informs us, “so no scientist, practitioner, or even you can figure this out.”
But given the raw materials, our own bodies know how to balance, and we should give them a chance, instead of forcefully manipulating them with mineral supplements every day.
Caroline equates the gut microbiome to a diverse forest - “you would never just dump a wheelbarrow of potassium onto a plot of that soil”; that would poison it. But people unwittingly do exactly this with their mineral supplementation, and it creates more problems and imbalances.
“Ecosystems don’t work well with large quantities of a substance.”
“The Humic molecule is much larger than the cell, and it hangs out in your bloodstream…Humic lives outside the cells…it’s the strongest electrolyte molecules known to man, with a huge surface area covered by receptor sites. It’s extremely sticky - Mother Nature’s janitor…literally designed to work in cellular systems to just gather and clean up all the detritus - senescent cells, biowaste, environmental toxins, and specifically glyphosate. It gathers the molecules, builds a film around it, and starts breaking up the glyphosate quickly.
So this Humic molecule gathers all those things, at a certain point gets heavy with the molecular weigh, falls out of suspension, and leaves your body through every elimination channel.”
i take Cellcore binders and Shilajit; and Caroline has her new Humic-Fulvic product called BEAM. There are choices, no doubt. Please look into this for yourself, and choose what seems best.
Now we come full circle back to detoxification as a way of life, and to clearing our exit channels to help our wondrous bodies do what they naturally do. Posted below find two previous and very different articles about detox and health.
Here’s to a grand learning curve together. Let me know how you’re doing with all this.
And if you feel somewhat lost with your next steps, or confused about your own health, maybe i can help you. Check out my website, then book a consult with me here.
Namaste, friend.
Yolanda, wonderfully informative post as always. I have been taking ION gut support for a year, a fulvic mineral product, and that has enabled me to eliminate probiotics. Also use a skin spray Derma Boost that offers these earthy minerals.
Thanks Yolanda. I ordered some humic/fulvic acid supplement after reading your posting.
Will see how it works out in junction with my supplements protocol.