Suffered a counter cous TBI in 1996.... I use a cold laser light with an insert to quiet the calm and noise and congestion in the ears...

If not, words and conversation can slowly convert back to gibberish for me.

Have you considered cold laser to help the ear?

Curious, in no way am I implying you should...

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Hey Vinnie, thank you. i'm excited to learn what people like you have done - and for myself, have many tools at hand just yet and the challenge is to give the neurons time to regenerate. In this moment, i realize i need more quiet - periods of no stimulation to the brain. i'm a brain therapist, so i'm doing manual therapy on myself. i know better than to try everything at once! This is my 3rd rupture/frequency injury, and i did manage to restore hearing the other times. i'm leaning on that memory for strength and hope! i may have questions for you along the way...

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Suffered TBI 29 years ago...

Happy to help/ share in any way...

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am i just too suggestible but i could feel your 2017 story in my deep ears. plantain tincture sounds interesting. i've been scouting for it in my way overgrown yard but haven't spotted any. the idea of 'planting' a weed in my yard is um, how you say...counter-intuitive? but i'll bite. are you in the bay area yoda? (may i call you by that name)?

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perhaps some time in private, maybe not here..

well, city girl got cement, only a tiny skinny patch of dirt that i've enhanced, which is now home to a massive cleavers forest; i can't use all of it, and have a couple years harvests drying or dry. my weeds are flourishing like they weren't when i moved here, but i saw medicine and welcomed them. Plantain grew for me up in fort bragg when a large plant under a picnic table just let go into my hand. I had rocky dirt there, and that thing escaped the pot and got very foresty and cozy taking over. Same with potted comfrey - a gardener gave me his huge comfrey plant from his compost pile, and it claimed a whole fence line - til digitalis invaded, an almost lookalike, and killed it off. YOU HAVE DIRT! SO DO IT! Find a plantain plant that lets go of earth with a mere caress, tell her you'd be thrilled to invite her over and she can stay as long as she wants, then...

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love that about 'inviting' it over. perfect.

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