These articles i’ve been writing on radiation, stealth warfare, bio-weaponry and transhumanism were a complete surprise to me - i’ve always taught and written about natural health, proper injury rehabilitation, and our full human potential.
i started out as a structural alignment specialist in the late 80’s, and have immersed myself in clinical work ever since; with craniosacral and manual brain therapies since 2000; and herbal medicine too along the way.
Those are my happy places. Nuclear physics and technology are not.
But the stakes are especially high right now, and my expertise in unseen causes of pain, illness, and neurodegenerative disease compels me to see and say:
We are players in the matrix of nuclear, digital, and technological war games.
We are the lab rats, the sacrificial lambs, the pharmaceutical jungle’s prey.
We were drafted into this war without our knowledge or consent.
How can people really heal and reach high vibrational states when they are under constant assault?
Sure, there’s the god-power, whatever and whoever that is for you - and at the same time,
whether or not we realize it, fighting chronic biological onslaughts is exhausting, and our bodies learn to compensate but never heal.
Compensation is maladaptive; it’s denial in disguise, and over time that only makes things (symptoms) worse.
i see people constantly with ringing cellphones in their back pocket or shirt pocket - and their infants streaming movies - which tells me right away they are unaware, or unwilling to consider that the dangers could be real. And ear buds - or worse yet, big white plastic corks coming out of their ears - shooting radiation directly into their brain!!!
Don’t even start me with smart meters and smart homes and new cars -
“ Sure, let me nuke myself for you, while you listen, watch, and record.”
“ Yeah, go ahead and lock me out of my house, if google says so and it’s for my own good.”
“ Ok, freeze my bank account and shut me out; i shouldda never told facebook how i felt about the vax.”
Too many people remain far too dismissive to the scope of these toxic military threats (documented merely as research into harmful side-effects) - or to the cumulative effects of living in high radiation fields - or to the totalitarian shuffle steamrolling over us with ceaseless and aggressive military rule.
i pray that all my readers (you!) regard this seriously, and take ongoing available steps to detoxify - of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, all forms of radiation, and EMF/dirty electricity in your body and home.
These articles span the decades of research and knowledge by many brilliant people whose knowledge bank is vast. Let’s connect the dots together, and withdraw our consent in every way.
Alleged conveniences built into technology are only traps.
Let’s start to pull away…
ARE WE fully committed to the cumulative effects of self-healing, and to staying strong in the game?
…the war game that ambushed us, that is…
Thank you for being brave enough to meet here on this page. i mean that.
This feels like plenty for today.
i’m pre-digesting hundreds of pages for us, filtering out the juice and jewels…
We’ll start next time with some grounding and connecting, then dive into the slime that just keeps oozing…
Time to invest in shielding one's self from all the invisible EMFs and also work on calming the mind via meditation: meditation produces those wave lengths which is why meditation is the most important healing protocol of Chinese medicine.
Also look into new products that can absorb most of the harmful EMFs without affecting their transmission. These products have worked well for over 10 years: www dot rayguardprotect dot com. I would stay away from metallic pendants and any metals because they conduct EMF's. This means throw out underwire bra's, switch from metal framed glasses to non-metallic frames, replace all mercury amalgam dental fillings with composite otherwise you've turned your jaw/head into a transmitter.
Hope this helps 🙏 everyone.
The Universe certainly takes us interesting places when we open to all Possibilities, not just the choices given to us by the Powers that Shouldn’t Be. Carry on sister. Namaste ❤️