i can see that people want and need hope. As “healers”, we hold strong intention to deliver living experiences of hope to those who find us, and who are unafraid to climb aboard.
But most people don’t step in with both feet. It’s excuse after excuse; a toe-in-toe-out dance that slingshots right back to doctors and hospitals every time, and to prognoses and treatments that weaken, depress, and kill.
There are many dabblers in this world - those who try various things impulsively, once or twice, then claim to know. But few are those who go the whole road.
Speaking of patients and therapy professionals alike, most forever try to straddle both worlds at once - allopathic and holistic - and are gradually subsumed completely by “modern medicine”, to their own demise.
When the road forks, we have to choose; but too many won’t.
It’s so painful to watch.
My own parents were killed by a “medical” system defined by life-sucking pseudo-treatments, insurance scamming, and piles of drugs. Killed by spending their later years swallowing excessive pharmaceuticals, while looking forward to regular doctor visits and procedures, because the doctor was “so nice” and cared so much.
They made their choice.
There is no such thing as “complementary” or “alternative” medicine.
There is only a world-dominant system that overpowers natural practices and deems holism non-essential to life.
There is still, however, real medicine - the holistic approach that nurtures wholeness and life. It’s time to look within and start there.
There is nothing “normal” about cancer, and nothing therapeutic about the chemo and radiation that blackened and disabled my father’s feet.
When my spirited mother was zombified by anti-psychotics and i asked to have the doses lowered, i was expelled to the parking lot by the doctor on the spot.
It was so painful to watch, so humilating and abusive to have to bear…
In my decades-long career, i’ve found that most people pursue holistic health like someone starting a new program at the gym, who is disappointed with their results after only going once. Yet those same people keep going to doctors and hospitals and specialists, getting endless tests and trying endless prescription drugs, to no avail. This behavior still twists my brain into knots.
It’s a self-sabotage mindset with outcomes guaranteed to defeat hope.
Theirs, and mine.
It’s so painful to watch, as helpless we are to intercept…
The worst by far is when this happens with people we know and love, like our own parents, children, and friends. For they always seem to trust the (failing) medical system first, and never see our professional knowledge or actual relationship with them as potentially therapeutic in any real sense.
On one side of the coin is our inner circle. There are friends and family in our lives who repeatedly ask us for help, pulling our time and energy toward their desperate cause again and again. Meanwhile, they deny the danger signals we point out and ignore the simple options we offer, and then choose allopathy - medical tests and procedures - over and again.
This ploy has broken my heart far too many times; and drained my energy with long involved conversations which should have been actual consultations with some accountability at least. Without accountability, people can end up leaching years of our life force, and not getting any better. Time is wasted. They’re too busy with their unfocused pursuit, and we somehow get dragged along.
On the other side of the coin are those who set about asking everyone’s opinion, piecing together long lists of supplements and diagnostic possibilities that may or may not relate to them. These are the masses who try to gleam everything for free from social media chat streams, taking advice from throngs of strangers who don’t ask any questions or know them personally at all. This is a random and unwise approach to healthcare that can overwhelm, either by over-medicating with too many supplements because they all sound good; or taking advice that worsens a complex condition and having no one to ask; or, stagnating in confusion and overwhelm.
It cheapens life and dims possibility to imagine holistic medicine works this way.
Random. Unfocused. Lost.
Find someone you trust who can guide the process, troubleshoot with you, and neutralize complications - and go the road with them. And, learn all you can along the way.
You’ll help yourself, and you’ll keep holistic medicine alive. (win-win!)
Regeneration is, after all, my real work in the world. i, and “healers” like me, are not hobbyists (just sayin’), and using us for free advice all the time means we get to starve and never have the impact we could, while…
The medical system currently in charge is a pack of mad dogs run amok and thirsting for blood.
There is no such thing as “complementary” or “alternative” medicine.
There is only a world-dominant system that overpowers natural practices and deems holism non-essential to life.
There is real medicine, however. Holistic medicine is real. Holistic medicine nurtures human potential and innate self-healing power.
Self-Healing Power.
Healing is just one of the super-powers encoded in our bones, brains, and blood.
We all have self-transformative potential inside of us, but most people get disconnected from their true nature while they are young, especially in this digital age.
Self-healing requires self-sensing. To deconstruct our distress (symptoms), we need to keep our senses alive.
Cognition is, in reality, a kinesthetic process. Body awareness enhances flow - blood, lymph, and information - the knowingness characteristic of an integrated nervous system and brain.
i devote my life to restore healing power and human potential. Nothing holds my interest like the miraculous micro-anatomy within each of us, the light our own cells and souls emit, and the power of bodywork, massage, and plants. Ultimately healing, like life itself, all comes down to circulation and microcirculation - flow. Is flow happening, and how well? If this simple question was on the table alongside every patient’s complaints, we could easily and immediately address at least one major root cause of dis-ease>>>
When there are blockages in our vital flows, our strength, immunity, and cognition are damaged or destroyed. So first and foremost, restore vital flow!
People in our lives repeatedly ask us for help, pulling our time and energy toward their desperate cause again and again. Meanwhile, they deny the danger signals we point out and ignore the simple options we offer, and then choose allopathy - medical tests and procedures - over and again.
After waffling back and forth for decades in these cases, the problem has advanced considerably and red flags are flying from every single medical test and this friend is in dire alarm. But it’s too late. They’ve been swallowed up by the system, and completely subsumed.
At this point, i must let go. They made their choice.
It is sacred and beautiful when people choose to challenge the reigning paradigm and become mindfully involved with their health; while it is tormenting and tragic as years pass and more and more fall prey to allopathy and the great insurance scam. Yet somehow, we can still find hope, because we must. We may well be “the ones we’ve been waiting for”, so we pray - to know how to let go - and how to remain open and kind - because that’s what’s left at the end of each day. To be of service, we must remain kind, present, strong, steady, and awake. And most of all, true to ourselves.
To be kind, present, and true to ourselves, we must slow down, and not be swept into the raging current of technocracy and lies. To master health, we must slow down -regulate our nervous system and increase micro-circulation through the body and brain. To survive the times, we must slow down…and deeply consider how our physiology and relationships work. Technology outpaced us years ago, which can be ignored only for so long. Technology shouldn’t be the god of medicine, or of relationships. Nature should.
When that last straw breaks, it’s too late.
Thank you to all my readers, and especially to those subscribers who stick with me to see how the story ends. May we see the rise of real medicine on the planet again in this lifetime, and the restoration of our innate natural brilliance - our inner light!
Burning questions?
Check out my website, and get in touch for a live appointment or phone consult.
Dear sister: thought-provoking and informative as always. Blessings to you. I hearken to your call to
give utmost consideration to holistic healing. By luck or chance, I have managed to leave the allopathic
paradigm in the rearview mirror. I now heed "healers" like yourself when suggestions are made about "dis-ease" in my body. Holistic medicine works because, as you pointed out, SELF-Healing is brought on by a protocol regimen followed on a daily basis adhering to sage advice from trusted healers. Hay wannaih!
I call allopathic medicine "all-o-pathetic." I constantly hear horror stories from people who get complications after complications with little relief and scant true healing. It's like getting trapped in briar patch where the more you struggle, the more ensnared you become.