a few notes on brain injury and obstacles to healing
Cataracts. Too many people are talking about cataracts, surgery, and the out-of-pocket cost of holistic medicine, and i have a few things to say in response.
This is, after all, a brain-healing stack; and i aim to state what is obvious to me, as someone who studied the brain, wrote a book, and worked with pain and rehabilitation for 40 years…
Eye strain is brain damage.
Eyes are nerve tissue. They are neural projections of our brain matter. Eyes are sensors out gathering information about the space around us, guiding us through life. In more prehistoric times, it was our sense of smell that kept us oriented and safe; but in today’s world, it is our eyes.
Eye strain is brain damage, incrementally over time.
We seem to have become a digital culture overnight, and this imposes immense stress and strain upon the eyes and the brain. Perhaps technology’s takeover was gradual, who knows, but what i notice now is that people are digitally engaged for far too many hours every day and night. i believe this is damaging to the brain and unsafe.
Please take a private moment inside yourself to look/feel around. How are you affected by digitization and eye strain, and how long has it been?
Is your head tight? Eyes tight? Tight neck? TMJ clenching? Headaches?
Eyes are nerve tissue. They are neural projections of our brain matter.
Many complain of eye strain, headaches, or fatigue; but few are willing to change their ways..or else, fear it will be a dauntingly long path…
Nonetheless, the rules of basic physiology apply as long as we inhabit bodies, and now i address you as cherished family for whom i only wish the best.
If you do not yet take special care of your eyes, please begin today.
Eye strain is brain strain.
Strain is a physiological process of tissue tightening, nerve impingement, and hypoxia - lack of oxygen. Misalignment of cranial and facial bones and nerves cuts off oxygen to body and brain.
When brain tissue tightens and twists, it becomes “deformed” and puts pressure on vital areas of the brain, initiating degeneration.
Degeneration…so unnecessary, because that pressure could be relieved with some attention and time. Self-care. Tech-fasting. Craniosacral Therapy.
Regeneration is our birthright. It’s not some mystery pie-in-the-sky-or CGI.
Just as people are now healing their microbiome and biological terrain, it would behoove us all to care more for our brain - and that includes our eyes.
The cranial membranes merge into the fascia surrounding the eyes. The cranial membranes are also the source of all the body’s fascia through a tiny suboccipital muscle. This complete and interconnected fascial system means that eye strain yanks on and distorts other seemingly unrelated places - perhaps even our intestines, adrenals, or feet. It’s all connected through the fascia, which is our body-wide web for movement and support.
When a strain pattern begins in the muscles and bones around the eyes - and the fascia of the skull (which connects to everywhere else, i repeat!) - the shape of the lens is altered and vital microcirculation to the eyes is cut off. This creates the environment for a “disease” process such as cataracts to take hold.
affirmation and self-help:
*Our bodies are naturally self-healing, given the proper environment and care.
*The longer a condition festers, the more effort may be required to reverse it; and at some point, after long neglect, there is a point of no return, so please do not delay.
*To initiate self-healing, we first remove obstacles and irritants, then address the root cause of the problem. Chasing symptoms never works.
*When we don’t know what to do, we ask your body. Do this yourself: rest for a few minutes with eyes closed, or covered by your palms or a cloth. Go into your body, and notice where your attention is called. Take several long slow peaceful breaths and send the life force to where you feel called. Gently resurface and return to your day.
*Craniosacral therapy releases cranial membranes and brain tension and increases microcirculation to the brain. Contact me to schedule, or find a therapist here.
i’m not saying everyone across the board can absolutely avoid surgery; but i do know that any and all conditions can be reversed - up to a certain point - and if we notice early on and begin dialog and self-care, many conditions do just tap off and fade away. i believe this is how a health warrior lives…
We’ll cover holistic eye care another time. Stay tuned!
Many Blessings your way…
this is a good perspective
Too many of us need to understand this urgently. Thanks for writing this YPH 🙏🏾