Of course, the smart watches and of course computers aren't helping. Saw a chiropracter test someone's very tight neck (blocking chi to the brain) with a smart watch on, and then had him take it off! Amazing difference. https://substack.com/@romansshapoval/p-146792156
A great article sister.. My experience with eyes was I had reached the point where my ability to "safely" move about at night without fear affected my life. I made the decision to see an eye doctor and had the lenses in the eyes replaced as that was the best option given my age and the fact that my night vision would further deteriorate. It was a wise decision. My eye sight is basically like it was when I was younger but still don't have the 100 % ability to move around at night that I had when I was younger without a flashlight. But it works for me. I don't have the fear and thus the tension I had before the lenses changeout.. You are absolutely right in taking time out to "rest" the eyes and thus relieve the tension from eye strain that you point out.. So thanks once again for your wisdom.
You did the right thing for your situation, for sure; and how fortunate that it turned out so well. The possibility that lens can be replaced is such a miracle!!!!!!
Since posting the article, new information came to me today, which i have to digest before writing the next eye post or two.]
YES! Perhaps it is true of each of our senses. Lately there's been a LOT about neurological problems and immune suppression as a result of latent mouth/teeth infections. But in this moment, i'm intrigued with the eyes!
this is a good perspective
Too many of us need to understand this urgently. Thanks for writing this YPH 🙏🏾
Thank you
Love this information, thanks Yolanda.
Of course, the smart watches and of course computers aren't helping. Saw a chiropracter test someone's very tight neck (blocking chi to the brain) with a smart watch on, and then had him take it off! Amazing difference. https://substack.com/@romansshapoval/p-146792156
i wish everyone could see that example you cite Sabrina. We know it from the inside experience. It seems so obvious and clear...
thank you Yolanda, and yes!!
Detox lile your life depends on it because it does. Find out how here in my podcast on the subject:
Thanks! that's exactly what i say, Sober Christian. Detox like your life depends on it, because it does! i'm always writing and ranting about that.
did you catch my article on humic and fulvic? https://yolandapritamhari.substack.com/p/humic-and-fulvic-acids-what-they?utm_source=publication-search
i've used the c-60 too but am not currently on that.
I researched those, was excited about them but have not found a source that is harvesting in a way that makes sense to me yet.
A great article sister.. My experience with eyes was I had reached the point where my ability to "safely" move about at night without fear affected my life. I made the decision to see an eye doctor and had the lenses in the eyes replaced as that was the best option given my age and the fact that my night vision would further deteriorate. It was a wise decision. My eye sight is basically like it was when I was younger but still don't have the 100 % ability to move around at night that I had when I was younger without a flashlight. But it works for me. I don't have the fear and thus the tension I had before the lenses changeout.. You are absolutely right in taking time out to "rest" the eyes and thus relieve the tension from eye strain that you point out.. So thanks once again for your wisdom.
You did the right thing for your situation, for sure; and how fortunate that it turned out so well. The possibility that lens can be replaced is such a miracle!!!!!!
Since posting the article, new information came to me today, which i have to digest before writing the next eye post or two.]
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Sorry for the delay on noticing this. This is big. This is educational and can realign the things we believe in.
Agree, the role of the eyes and vision in neurological conditions should not be underestimated...
YES! Perhaps it is true of each of our senses. Lately there's been a LOT about neurological problems and immune suppression as a result of latent mouth/teeth infections. But in this moment, i'm intrigued with the eyes!