Just call me a weather-denier. You’d be 100% correct.
It took strong discipline to stop writing about geoengineering and the weather manipulation unleashed with intent to ravage and kill. HOWEVER, after witnessing the recent carnage and devastation of North Carolina, and the controlled demolition of the entire southeast United States, my spunk and ire are WAY UP.
According to me (and many others!) global weather is dangerously manipulated, and has been for at least 100 years. Droughts and storms are professionally generated and steered for maximum effect. They are intentionally designed and deposited to cause hardship, death, destruction, and land acquisitions (aka: stealing land and everything people have). There is no more blue sky, unless you count the almost-blueness you think you see behind those fake clouds and fog that grew out of the white lines painted persistently across the sky.
Deadly chemicals and heavy metals churn and spew upon us constantly from airplanes flying above - geoengineering, or weather management - for our own good, of course.
Now that the military has perfected the art of manufacturing thoroughly weaponized storms through cloud-seeding and frequency weapons, it only rains when great floods are needed to eliminate local populations and seize their land. Droughts, too, are similarly orchestrated, with the same twisted intentions, by the same twisted minds.
Just like the recent blitzkreig on Lahaina, now the people of North Carolina and Tennessee have nothing left and no homes to return to, and their homeland has been seized by the feds. They are forbidden to return.
FEMA is blocking all aid, and arresting people who truck in or fly in to provide help and supplies.
Florida is the next hit.
Meanwhile, Georgia underwent an extremely serious chemical explosion that the media of course minimized, but nonetheless bothered to report. The force of massive orange and black plumes shooting skyward while spreading lethal chemical loads far and wide is rivaled only by the E Palestine trainwreck. The goal: people here, there, and everywhere relentlessly traumatized and made homeless and critically ill…
All for what? Control, domination, and depopulation.
None of these catastrophies are natural, and the military has been perfecting the art of covert slaughter and destruction through weather modification and frequency warfare for over 100 years. There are hundreds of patents going back many, many, many years.
This document on weather warfare has made the rounds dozens of times on Substack and other places, and there can no longer be any doubt that this is really happening - or that we are all targets in an endless array of lethal assaults that will not stop until the machine has swallowed us all whole.
If you have not actually looked at the above document, please do!
In the globalist agenda, we are ALL next in line to be disappeared, and the plot never ends until all the real people are dead and gone and out of the way.
This very informative video by JailBreak Overlander includes firsthand accounts from those on the ground - with real footage - and explains how hurricanes happen while reminding us that all resources have gone to Ukraine, and all support staff to the border. Sorry, nothing left for us.
Truckers arrive to pick up aid supplies, and the dock is empty! FEMA has stolen all donations and hidden/sent them…where?
(Drive that nail in harder, baby!)
The amount of trauma feels insurmountable.
Beneath the regions destroyed by Hurricane Helene are lithium and quartz crystal deposits, and these mines were completely unscathed by the storm, despite the devastation all around.
Clearly the hurricane, with the military steering it of course, knew better than to flood the mines that now have free reign to profit off the land where those thousands of real American people used to live.
Then there’s that ugly dangling participal: $750 compensation for your entire life - RIGHT! That’ll fix everything. But then you don’t even qualify because you already get welfare aid, or disability, or social security, or have insurance (that will never pay for this), whatever the excuse. Good luck and happy trails.
i’ll end with this ultra-comprehensive post by Dr Ana you won’t want to miss…
and this sincere message from Reinette Senum:
and this:
Ignorance is bliss only til the next tsunami hits…
Thanks for showing up today, and gratitude to all the voices weaving history back together with integrity, sincerity, and great care.
This is so credible that people sill believe this is a James Bond movie! The patents are available for weather modification! This is real. However, the many will not accept this. What I have been saying consistently now since 2020..... You can't believe what you see. The first line of defense is the question.
From another perspective with the intel available to us, please consider the following. and please excuse my somewhat lengthy thoughts on the matter
This weather modified attack on the East coast is a clear sign of the fact that our "controllers" have lost control of their own psyop. They are basically STUPID and seeing how their psyop is crumbling around them they resort to using tactics they have used in the past. Create chaos to disrupt our collective family bonds with the hope that we will acquiesce through sheer exhaustion both physically and spiritually and allow this Elohim worship cult originating from a capitulated Israel to regroup to reassert their mind-control enslavement of us. It is not going according to plan as unlike past events of similar kind, the people in the devastated areas are banding together outing the FEMA minions and are receiving help from other Americans. through donations and actual "physical" help in the form of "militias" coordinated by their local sheriffs. The scenario has become kinetic in some areas with people bulldozing FEMA vehicles out of the way to allow aid to reach affected people. Most importantly, our collective praying for the distressed people in these areas is incrementally but surely
turning the tide. We now are aware of WHO the actual living men and women at the head of operations are and for sure they're crapping in their drawers. WHY? because righteous reckoning is a coming. These capitulated people know they have been outed and now are facing Nuremberg-type
tribunals from which they cannot escape. Thus, we can expect more attacks on parts of America as these cornered beasts have no other option left. Use of the nuclear option i.e WW III is not on the books as it makes "the real estate" unusable and effects "the bottom line". Thus, let us continue to engage these anti-American vermin in any ways we can for we know for sure we have the World Maker backing us. Hay wannaih