The devastation of our environment and subsequent massacre of all life on Earth drives me to a harrowing madness beyond what the wildest of descriptors can express. It pierces my heart to look up day after day at a murky sky with chemically generated clouds and to never have blue overhead any more.
Over the last four years, the density of chemical fogs has alarmingly escalated; and planes - war planes - fly constantly both night and day.
Geoengineering has a flawless penchant for turning any semblance of clear sky into a blustery mass of dark clouds.
Clouds aren’t real any more. Nor are storms. It’s a disgusting mess.
Weaponizing the atmosphere is such a bizarre notion to me.
Just prior to these many weeks of intermittent heavy rains, days of continual spraying weighed us all down in heavy gray; for days - and even at night - gritty particles settled in my nostrils, throat, and eyes, irritating and inflaming my mucous membranes, and proving extremely difficult to discharge…for more than a week…
so may people say their “allergies” are worse…
(allergy: the body’s healthy reaction and attempt to discharge anything not beneficial to life. -author’s definition)
…which brings me back yet again to Elena Freeland’s book “Geoengineered Transhumanism”, and the true history of military warfare and the secret space program revealed within: seeding death and nothing less…
Halfway through her masterpiece at last, i’m compiling notes for the next segment of our series, and collecting rain water to have analyzed for geoengineering chemicals.
i dared to look up and ask why.
What ultimately became geoengineering, weather manipulation and industrial fertilizer are the leftover ingredients of decades of biowarfare and weapons of destruction, repurposed to further poison and take control.
The frequencies of the internet grid potentate these biotoxins for maximum precision, penetration, and harm. The 5-10G grid, or IoT (internet of things), is the growing control panel ever ready to strike.
It’s a truly masterful plan; but the game is not done.
Feeling hopeless? Let’s commune.
Join Reinette Senum’s SOS meeting tomorrow evening February 13 at 6pm.
Links to my prior articles in this growing series are provided down below.
part 1:
part 2:
part 3:
part 4:
part 5:
It’s so blatant yet people still deny chemtrails are a thing.
The anger I harbor will come out and it won’t be be pretty. Read her book about 3 years ago and bought an RF meter. On itself my depression recently, wife included,
Has taken it’s toll. Like clifhigh calls it: hyper novelty and shit will get very real.
We are there, fucking now. A warrior stirs and I’m not alone…