Mar 3Liked by Yolanda Pritam Hari

Seriously, I have similar situation with a tower 1500 feet away.

Acupuncture, keeping the house humid with moist air and walking barefoot in the basement ( winter) has helped.

Good luck to you...

I refuse to purchase an emf hi'jab or faraday tents and the like at this point. This stuff is coming from ALL directions, food, water, environment...

It is insidious...

You have to ask yourself how living now will benefit your future and if you believe the future will be better...

I am going to gamble. Have never been a gambler, but its only our life on earth which we all eventually loose.

Our ultimate prognosis is that this closed system human operating system devolves and degenerates on its own..

Have you also invested in maintaining and pumping up your system (body) keeping it as healthy as possible, investing in acupuncture, exercise, organic foods, mushrooms, structure water etc. ? Keeping your intestines free of parasitic invaders etc.

health starts on the inside...

Faraday suff is great, more power to you that you choose to live that way...

At this time will not make the investment in such things...

Waiting with bated breath to hear how you fare...

Good luck, thanks for the posts!

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I hope things improve for you Yolanda, so crazy sad.

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Mar 3Liked by Yolanda Pritam Hari

thank you for sharing your journey yolanda and for the ideas to explore! much love and appreciation to you.

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4Liked by Yolanda Pritam Hari

What an intense time you've had Yolanda. I didn't realize that you had a cell tower across the street or that all your readings were in the red zone. Running a shielding curtain the length of the wall facing that tower should make a big difference. And having your bed canopy will allow you a safe sleeping space at night. You are doing all the right things. And all of that said, you are the one who will determine if this is enough. The ultimate choice of what to decide is always up to you. I was able to mitigate a very high Wifi cottage to make it livable. It's been more challenging where I am now, and there were times when I thought I might need to move. I was willing to do that if needed. But perseverance and trying many different things, getting my neighbors to turn off their wifi at night and allowing me to put shields on their smart meters, slowly slowly the situation here improved dramatically. And I decided to stay. I hope this will be the outcome for you too Yolanda. I also highly recommend the Gupta Program, brain retraining process that i used. This was what helped me the most as I was trying to recover from initial overexposure and the trauma to my nervous system. And yes, I know that your EMF guy can sometimes be a bit intense, but I think it;s just that he has seen so much of this and has become jaded about it. I have too. I'm glad you stuck with him. He's really the best in the business and very wise. I admire your bravery and courage. The steps you are taking are so important. You will down the road be able to share what you've learned with others in the same way that I have. I felt just as overwhelmed as you, when I first began on this journey. It does get better.

much love, Satya

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Vital information. Thank you so much 💫🙌🏽

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Mar 4Liked by Yolanda Pritam Hari

Thank you Yolanda for this detailed article. I will move to implement your suggestions as excess funds

become available.. A work in progress.

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Mar 4Liked by Yolanda Pritam Hari

Thankful she is willing to share so much of her journey.

Thank you.

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Mar 3Liked by Yolanda Pritam Hari

Wow…so many things to consider when moving…not just the numerology of the state, city and house number, under consideration, but the EMFs in the home and the neighborhood! 😵‍💫😱

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