ha, from a nice ecological resort to the dementors of doom in one swell foop! i'll have the former please. so i've been using the 'human' brand chews from beet powder almost daily. don't know if they're as good or as potent as whatcha got here but they sure are tasty. much love to you for being you and all you do.
This is a nice synopsis by this spirit of light. Yes we are under assault and folks must realize that war must be redefined so that one can see the new reality that goes beyond getting up and going to work to then go home to then have an amazing weekend. Only if that was the way of the world.
oh i so agree with you AK. i don't know what it will take, but all our truthing might one day override propaganda in the sub-human brain. What do you think? How does the shift occur?
Well that is a tough one. But I feel that people will have to lose something that is so obvious! They will have to lose something they value. Reality has been altered by the digital way of life. I am attacking this from the perspective of reality and what that means fluidly. That conversation is esoteric but I am viewing it from a exoteric perspective. For 4 years I have stood away from society and now had to become a writer to avoid the Covid apparatus. From April 2020 I made the decision that this was something else and I had to see the world totally different. I have been collecting facts and truth for 4 years yet nothing has changed. facts do not matter in the age of agenda. Logic has been tossed. Facts are logical based. The facts have not made the system change. The electorate of the so called officials who are suppose to be for the citizens doesn't work anymore. The facts tell that. Everything around us has been coopted! Logic won't work. We are in the age of shadows and invisible. People do not see those. It scares them. I am going at it from that perspective. I am a New Yorker which was ground zero along with California. When they closed the churches and left the liquors stores open the system gave me all of what I needed to know. Hope that makes sense.
it was a big question AK, but what i get from your reply is that 1) you totally changed your life/profession in 2020; 2) not you, or any one of us, sees any change from any action or approach; 3) we can't put a huge conversation in this tiny comment bubble; 4) you and i seem to have similar clear vision but maybe no new answers yet.
Yes! The answers are also very fluid now! There is no static response because so many vectors are involved with our discussion. This situation is layered and dimensional. What frightens me is that the many live by the principle of the magic bullet. I do not see a one magic bullet but that bullet will be a place to start. A place to start is a consortium of sorts to lay out the mindset.
if you want to follow up with that construct I would be involved without a doubt. Just need a few serious true believers who wish to get to an alternative mindset first so we can evolve to another system. It starts with the mindset which for me is a sense of urgency
ECOCIDE! Sorry for the typo at the top. i missed that!
ha, from a nice ecological resort to the dementors of doom in one swell foop! i'll have the former please. so i've been using the 'human' brand chews from beet powder almost daily. don't know if they're as good or as potent as whatcha got here but they sure are tasty. much love to you for being you and all you do.
it's a big swing between the extremes to hang tough Berda!
Wow Yolanda daunting and comprehensive. Thank you.
it is daunting! and that's all old news now...
my favorite part was finding pictures
yes the visuals are always fun!!!
This is a nice synopsis by this spirit of light. Yes we are under assault and folks must realize that war must be redefined so that one can see the new reality that goes beyond getting up and going to work to then go home to then have an amazing weekend. Only if that was the way of the world.
oh i so agree with you AK. i don't know what it will take, but all our truthing might one day override propaganda in the sub-human brain. What do you think? How does the shift occur?
Well that is a tough one. But I feel that people will have to lose something that is so obvious! They will have to lose something they value. Reality has been altered by the digital way of life. I am attacking this from the perspective of reality and what that means fluidly. That conversation is esoteric but I am viewing it from a exoteric perspective. For 4 years I have stood away from society and now had to become a writer to avoid the Covid apparatus. From April 2020 I made the decision that this was something else and I had to see the world totally different. I have been collecting facts and truth for 4 years yet nothing has changed. facts do not matter in the age of agenda. Logic has been tossed. Facts are logical based. The facts have not made the system change. The electorate of the so called officials who are suppose to be for the citizens doesn't work anymore. The facts tell that. Everything around us has been coopted! Logic won't work. We are in the age of shadows and invisible. People do not see those. It scares them. I am going at it from that perspective. I am a New Yorker which was ground zero along with California. When they closed the churches and left the liquors stores open the system gave me all of what I needed to know. Hope that makes sense.
it was a big question AK, but what i get from your reply is that 1) you totally changed your life/profession in 2020; 2) not you, or any one of us, sees any change from any action or approach; 3) we can't put a huge conversation in this tiny comment bubble; 4) you and i seem to have similar clear vision but maybe no new answers yet.
Did i get any of what you meant?
Yes! The answers are also very fluid now! There is no static response because so many vectors are involved with our discussion. This situation is layered and dimensional. What frightens me is that the many live by the principle of the magic bullet. I do not see a one magic bullet but that bullet will be a place to start. A place to start is a consortium of sorts to lay out the mindset.
yes, a good ol fashioned mind meld...
if you want to follow up with that construct I would be involved without a doubt. Just need a few serious true believers who wish to get to an alternative mindset first so we can evolve to another system. It starts with the mindset which for me is a sense of urgency